North Stradbroke Island Point Lookout
Point Lookout is Queensland's most easterly point and its rocky outcrops overlooking the Pacific Ocean are the perfect spot for land-based whale-watching from June to November. The fantastic vantage points are within easy walking distance from the township of Point Lookout, North Stradbroke Island.
The humpback whales pass North Gorge Headland on their annual migration from Antarctica to the oceans around the Barrier Reef. While the calves are still quite young they begin their southern, or return, journey passing close to the Coast.
Whale-watchers soon discover that the Headlands walk is a must. Start at the Captain Cook memorial and follow the signs onto North Gorge. A breathtaking seascape and the chance to see dolphins, turtles and manta rays awaits at North Gorge all year round. The walk continues around the Gorge and past Whale Rock. When the tide and sea conditions are right, air whistles through the blowhole like a spouting whale.
We werent disappointed either and saw Dolphins, Humpback Whales, Wild Kangaroos, Eagles etc.